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Character Matters

At Princeton Academy, we believe that character development is an essential part of a boy's education. Our curriculum is designed to help boys develop the qualities and values that will make them responsible, compassionate, and successful members of society.

Our character development program focuses on the Sacred Heart goals and the following core values: Respect, responsibility, integrity, compassion, and self-discipline. These values are integrated into all aspects of the curriculum, and they are reinforced through a variety of activities, such as:

  • Classroom discussions and activities that encourage boys to think critically about the values and their role in society.
  • Service learning projects that provide boys with opportunities to put their values into action and make a positive impact in the community.
  • Mentoring programs that connect boys with positive role models and help them develop leadership skills.
  • Regular character development assemblies and events that celebrate boys' achievements and reinforce the importance of the core values.

Our character development program is designed to provide boys with the knowledge, skills, and values they need to become well-rounded, responsible, and compassionate individuals who will make a positive impact in the world.

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The 5 Sacred Heart Goals Help Guide Our Young Men

1. A personal and active faith in God

2. A deep respect for intellectual values

3. A social awareness which impels to action

4. The building of community as a Christian value

5. Personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom

Prayer Buddies

Each year, Middle School students are paired with younger Lower School students to engage in activities together. The older "brother" plays a significant role in the life of the younger student. They form a special bond and look out for one another. Prayer Buddies also attend all prayer services and liturgies together. These healthy relationships help build the character of our young men – they realize that they are being looked up to as role models.